Monday, March 30, 2009

Our Current Economic Woes Are Nothing New

The Obama administration is using the current cyclic recession as a means to induce "crisis" for the purpose of claiming that capitalism is a failure. The truth is, capitalism is a proven success, and the only reason capitalism is failing now is through sabotage. Economic recessions occur on a fairly regular basis, and are nothing to be alarmed about. Market value continually goes up and down in what is called a "business cycle". The beginning and end of a business cycle are always in recession, and the midpoint is always at its peak. This up-and-down characteristic of markets is what actually makes our system successful since a market that is always the same is a stagnate market. Even if the markets stabalize in the upper regions of prosperity, it creates predictability which ultimately causes markets to drop which corrects market speculation. Profit and loss are the fundamentals that keep the markets unpredictable which in turn stimulates growth.

The problems we are now experiencing stem from policies that forced banks to make very high risk loans to those who had no means or intent to pay them back. Once the housing market crashed from the massive amount of foreclosures, the home loans became "toxic" when the collateral on the loans, the homes, fell well below the value of the loans themselves. This is also called an "upside down" loan which means more is owed on a loan than the collateral on the loan is worth. When these policies were forced upon banks by Banking Chairman Barney Frank, the result was sabotage of our capitalist system forcing failure where if it were not for government meddling, our economy would be strong.

After this engineered recession, President Obama and other Democrats began to throw around the words "crisis" and "inherited" to describe the economic situation and also to pass the buck to the Bush administration for the situation that Democrats themselves had caused. Make no mistake, Democrats didn't "inherit" anything. They did in fact cause the situation. Democrats then launched a campaign of economic fear and terror in order to pass laws and policies that would not be tolerated under any normal circumstances. All of the "stimulus" and other bills passed to date have been for the purpose of further destabilizing the economy by inducing massive inflation by dumping enormous sums of currency into the economy. This, of course, devaluates the dollar. Congress recently requested that the U.S. Treasury order $1 trillion in currency to be printed by the Federal Reserve (a private corporation not a department of government). This $1 trillion goes against the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of America which means the overall value of goods and services in America were reduced by 1 trillion dollars. The currency itself, since it has no value backing it up, reduces the value of the dollar since there is more currency floating around than the value of America's GDP. Oh, not to mention the enormous interest that the United States government pays to the Federal Reserve for its "services" to print the money that the Constitution states is the responsibility of Congress. Not a private corporation.

Americans now are born with a debt on their heads that can never be repaid. Ever. Welcome to economic slavery everyone! How does it feel to know that we are all slaves, and have been since 1933? This interest that we owe the Federal Reserve is not payable in worthless pieces of paper that we call "money". To learn more, go to and order "America in the Middle".

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